1. contribution::CRediT
  2. contribution::demo
    A demo for plotting contribution table
  3. contribution::palette
  4. contribution::CRediT
  5. contribution::demo
    A demo for plotting contribution table
  6. contribution::palette
  7. copynumber::BAF
    Artificial SNP array data
  8. copynumber::logR
    Artificial SNP array data
  9. copynumber::lymphoma
    3K aCGH data
  10. copynumber::micma
    Subset of 244K aCGH data
  11. gcap::ascn
    Example allele specific copy number (ASCN) data
  12. gcap::ec
    Example ecDNA training data
  13. gcap::oncogenes
    Oncogene list
  14. IDConverter::icgc
    ICGC Sample Identifiers
  15. IDConverter::pcawg_full
    PCAWG Full Sample Identifiers
  16. IDConverter::pcawg_simple
    PCAWG Mutation Related Simplified Sample Identifiers
  17. IDConverter::tcga
    TCGA Case Identifiers
  18. metawho::wang2019
    Hazard ratio (HR) for disease progression analysis comparing TMB-high with TMB-low in three NSCLC datasets
  19. phylotaR::aotus
  20. phylotaR::birds
  21. phylotaR::bromeliads
  22. phylotaR::cycads
  23. phylotaR::dragonflies
  24. phylotaR::mammals
  25. phylotaR::plants
  26. phylotaR::sturgeons
  27. phylotaR::tardigrades
  28. phylotaR::tinamous
  29. phylotaR::yeasts
  30. sigminer::CN.features
    Classification Table of Copy Number Features Devised by Wang et al. for Method 'W'
  31. sigminer::centromeres.T2T
    Location of Centromeres at Genome Build T2T
  32. sigminer::centromeres.hg19
    Location of Centromeres at Genome Build hg19
  33. sigminer::centromeres.hg38
    Location of Centromeres at Genome Build hg38
  34. sigminer::centromeres.mm10
    Location of Centromeres at Genome Build mm10
  35. sigminer::centromeres.mm9
    Location of Centromeres at Genome Build mm9
  36. sigminer::chromsize.T2T
    Chromosome Size of Genome Build T2T
  37. sigminer::chromsize.hg19
    Chromosome Size of Genome Build hg19
  38. sigminer::chromsize.hg38
    Chromosome Size of Genome Build hg38
  39. sigminer::chromsize.mm10
    Chromosome Size of Genome Build mm10
  40. sigminer::chromsize.mm9
    Chromosome Size of Genome Build mm9
  41. sigminer::cytobands.T2T
    Location of Chromosome Cytobands at Genome Build T2T
  42. sigminer::cytobands.hg19
    Location of Chromosome Cytobands at Genome Build hg19
  43. sigminer::cytobands.hg38
    Location of Chromosome Cytobands at Genome Build hg38
  44. sigminer::cytobands.mm10
    Location of Chromosome Cytobands at Genome Build mm10
  45. sigminer::cytobands.mm9
    Location of Chromosome Cytobands at Genome Build mm9
  46. sigminer::simulated_catalogs
    A List of Simulated SBS-96 Catalog Matrix
  47. sigminer::transcript.T2T
    Merged Transcript Location at Genome Build T2T
  48. sigminer::transcript.hg19
    Merged Transcript Location at Genome Build hg19
  49. sigminer::transcript.hg38
    Merged Transcript Location at Genome Build hg38
  50. sigminer::transcript.mm10
    Merged Transcript Location at Genome Build mm10
  51. sigminer::transcript.mm9
    Merged Transcript Location at Genome Build mm9
  52. UCSCXenaShiny::TCGA.organ
    TCGA: Organ Data
  53. UCSCXenaShiny::ccle_absolute
    ABSOLUTE Result of CCLE Database
  54. UCSCXenaShiny::ccle_info
    Phenotype Info of CCLE Database
  55. UCSCXenaShiny::ccle_info_fine
    Cleaned Phenotype Info of CCLE Database for grouping
  56. UCSCXenaShiny::pcawg_info
    Phenotype Info of PCAWG Database
  57. UCSCXenaShiny::pcawg_info_fine
    Cleaned Phenotype Info of PCAWG Database for grouping
  58. UCSCXenaShiny::pcawg_purity
    Purity Data of PCAWG
  59. UCSCXenaShiny::tcga_clinical
    Toil Hub: TCGA Clinical Data
  60. UCSCXenaShiny::tcga_clinical_fine
    Toil Hub: Cleaned TCGA Clinical Data for grouping
  61. UCSCXenaShiny::tcga_genome_instability
    TCGA: Genome Instability Data
  62. UCSCXenaShiny::tcga_gtex
    Toil Hub: Merged TCGA GTEx Selected Phenotype
  63. UCSCXenaShiny::tcga_purity
    TCGA: Purity Data
  64. UCSCXenaShiny::tcga_subtypes
    TCGA Subtype Data
  65. UCSCXenaShiny::tcga_surv
    Toil Hub: TCGA Survival Data
  66. UCSCXenaShiny::toil_info
    Toil Hub: TCGA TARGET GTEX Selected Phenotype
  67. UCSCXenaShiny::TCGA.organ
    TCGA: Organ Data
  68. UCSCXenaShiny::ccle_absolute
    ABSOLUTE Result of CCLE Database
  69. UCSCXenaShiny::ccle_info
    Phenotype Info of CCLE Database
  70. UCSCXenaShiny::ccle_info_fine
    Cleaned Phenotype Info of CCLE Database for grouping
  71. UCSCXenaShiny::pcawg_info
    Phenotype Info of PCAWG Database
  72. UCSCXenaShiny::pcawg_info_fine
    Cleaned Phenotype Info of PCAWG Database for grouping
  73. UCSCXenaShiny::pcawg_purity
    Purity Data of PCAWG
  74. UCSCXenaShiny::tcga_clinical
    Toil Hub: TCGA Clinical Data
  75. UCSCXenaShiny::tcga_clinical_fine
    Toil Hub: Cleaned TCGA Clinical Data for grouping
  76. UCSCXenaShiny::tcga_genome_instability
    TCGA: Genome Instability Data
  77. UCSCXenaShiny::tcga_gtex
    Toil Hub: Merged TCGA GTEx Selected Phenotype
  78. UCSCXenaShiny::tcga_purity
    TCGA: Purity Data
  79. UCSCXenaShiny::tcga_subtypes
    TCGA Subtype Data
  80. UCSCXenaShiny::tcga_surv
    Toil Hub: TCGA Survival Data
  81. UCSCXenaShiny::toil_info
    Toil Hub: TCGA TARGET GTEX Selected Phenotype
  82. UCSCXenaTools::XenaData
    Xena Hub Information
  83. UCSCXenaTools::XenaData
    Xena Hub Information